Vainglory Wiki
Vainglory Wiki
    Health 838 - 2638
    Energy 0
    Armor 20 - 70
    Shield 20 - 70
    Weapon 80 - 140
    Atk speed 100% - 136.3%
    Range 1.8
    Move speed 3.4

Attack Type: Melee
Position: Roam
Role: Captain


Like moving pieces on a chessboard, Ardan’s power comes from his ability to reshape the battlefield, allowing his allies to seek better positioning while discouraging enemies from doing the same.

Ardan is a damage-soaking protector who dramatically changes the landscape of teamfights. Able to rescue friends from certain death and turn lost battles around with his powerful terrain-changing ultimate, Ardan brings immense utility to the team. Start Ardan in either the lane or jungle, depending on which ally you want to protect most.


Julia's Gift (Perk)

Ardan perk

Ardan benefits from purchasing health items.

  • Whenever Ardan takes damage, he heals for 0.8% of his missing health, but no more than 75% of the damage taken.
  • Instead of energy, Ardan uses a yellow meter called Vengeance. Vengeance builds over time and can also be gained with basic attacks, critical strikes, and abilities.
  • Because Ardan doesn't need regular energy, 5% of bonus energy and 50% of bonus energy recharge are converted to crystal power.


Ardan A

Ardan dashes to protect an ally, granting them a 4-second barrier and a burst of move speed. This also slows and damages nearby enemies.

  • Overdrive: At max rank, Vanguard grants 30% Vengeance when cast on an ally.
  • Using this ability on himself results in only half the barrier, speed boost, and Vengeance gain.
  • Barrier scales up with 30% of Ardan's bonus health
  • Any time the buffed ally takes or deals damage, Ardan gains Vengeance.


  • Cooldown: 17s / 16s / 15s / 14s / 13s
  • Energy cost: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
  • Range: 8 / 8 / 8 / 8 / 9
  • Damage:  50 / 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 (+120% CP)
  • Barrier: 80 / 120 / 160 / 200 / 240

Blood for Blood

Ardan B

Ardan rushes forward and punches his target.

  • Overdrive: At max rank, Blood for Blood deals an additional 40% damage.
  • Blood for Blood can only be activated when Ardan has 100% Vengeance and will consume all of it.
  • Blood for Blood triggers basic-attack effects.


  • Cooldown: 24s / 24s / 24s / 24s / 24s
  • Energy cost: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
  • Range: 7 / 7 / 7 / 7 / 9
  • Damage: 60 / 100 / 140 / 180 / 260 (+40% CP)


Ardan ULT

Ardan leaps to the target location and projects a perimeter around him. Enemy heroes who touch or cross the perimeter are stunned and take crystal damage.

  • If Ardan leaves the perimeter, it is immediately destroyed.
  • Ardan instantly gains full Vengeance upon using this ability.


  • Cooldown: 130s / 120s / 110s
  • Energy cost: 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
  • Damage: 250 / 375 / 500 (+350%)
  • Stun Duration: 1s / 1s / 1s
  • Duration: 4 / 6 / 8


  1. Don't encircle the enemy team with Gauntlet! Instead, separate and trap one enemy to give your allies a numbers advantage.
  2. Attacking enemies reduces the cooldown on his Blood for Blood. Kick and punch your way to vengeance!
  3. Invest in vision near jungle camps because Ardan can jump a wall to an enemy or ally if he has vision on them.